The Implications of Domestication on Equine Posture and its Relevance to Podiatry
CourseApril 2nd, 5 pm GMT. Yogi Sharp & Karen Gellman: This talk will explore how domestication inadvertently affects hoof shape by changing the horses physiology
Wild horse welfare: what’s the relevance for domestic horse management
CourseApril 16th, 5 pm GMT. Dr Andrea Harvey elaborates on what is optimal horse welfare and what can be done to minimise negative impacts on horse welfare, and promote positive impacts.
How Can the equine industry maintain its social licence to operate - THE DEBATE
CourseMay 28th, 5 pm GMT. Starting with Marthe's Kiley-Worthington summary presentation, all the speakers will elaborate on How ethology can positively impact equine management.
Recognising hoof morphology and the Ideal Hoof
CourseHoof balance is not simply about geometric proportions, its morphological changes are a picture of its functionality and changes to the capsule as a whole are often overlooked when simple angles are dictating the ideal.
Nerve Impingement and Hoof Balance
CourseCeleste Lazaris and Yogi discuss the link between hoof balance and nerve impingement and balance through movement method
Applied neurology and the effects of the viscerosomatic system on posture
CourseDr Neidhart discusses acupuncture as an applied neuro-science and the visceral influence on the musculoskeletal system and posture